NORMALYSA integrated with HYDROGEOCHEM from the National Central University (NCU), Taiwan (HGC TPC)

The HGC TPC code has been widely applied in simulations of releases of radionuclides from uranium tailings and contaminated lands. To enhance the practical application of the code, an interface with the NORMALYSA Tool has been developed, that allows performing dose calculation using outputs generated from simulations with HGC TPC.

The NORMALYSA (NORM And LegacY Site Assessment) software tool is designed to simulate radionuclide transport in the environment from the source term (e.g., radioactively contaminated land) to the relevant receptors (e.g., residential areas, agricultural areas, water bodies, etc.) and to estimate resulting radiation exposure doses to humans. The NORMALYSA software was developed by Facilia AB (Bromma, Sweden) with the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The NORMALYSA tool consists of a Simulator program engine, which is integrated with a set of program modules organized in five main libraries: ‘Sources’, ‘Cover Layers’, ‘Transports’, ‘Receptors’ and ‘Doses’. Specific modelling cases can be constructed by selecting need modules and setting up data exchanges between these modules.

HGC - NORMALYSA, allows running NORMALYSA models using as input values of radionuclide concentrations in groundwater and radionuclide fluxes obtained from simulations of reactive transport with HGC TPC. This way an integrated tool has been attained that can be used for assessments of radiological impacts from contaminated lands and surface deposits of waste, such as uranium tailings.

HGC-NORMALYSA functions as follows: From simulations with HGC TPC time series of radionuclide concentrations and fluxes in different points at the interface between the contaminated groundwater and target environments of interest is obtained. The values for different points in space are then postprocessed to obtain input data required by the models available in NORMALYSA for the different target environments.